- Address
- The Duston School Berrywood Road, Duston, Northampton, NN5 6XA
- Unique group identifier (UID)
- 5458
- Group identifier (ID)
- TR03065
Company number
(also known as Companies House (CH) number) -
(opens in new tab) - UK provider reference number (UKPRN)
- 10061212
- Group type
- Single-academy trust
- Incorporated on (open date)
- 6 November 2014
- Data from other services
- Not applicable
The Duston School
- Address
- Berrywood Road, Duston, Northampton, NN5 6XA
- Phase / type
- All-through, Academy converter
- 138214
- 10034765
- 941/4066
- Status
- Open
- Local authority name
- West Northamptonshire
- Joined date
- 1 March 2015